REXX (Restructured EXtended eXecutor) is a powerful interactive
programming language that can execute system commands, such as TSO, ISPF
REXX is a procedural language that allows programs and algorithms to be written
in a clear and structured way. It is easy to use by experts and casual users alike.
REXX has been designed to make manipulation of the kinds of symbolic objects
people normally deal with such as words and numbers.
What we can do with REXX?
1. Request Input from the terminal/user.
2. Display output to the terminal/User.
3. Execute TSO Commands.
4. Read files.
5. Write files.
How to write a REXX Program?
Creating a REXX program is as simple as 1-2-3.
Here is sample program 'Hello World'.
1. open a PS file.
2. Write the below code and save the file.
/* REXX */
Every REXX program should have word 'REXX' in it's first line.
3. Give 'EX' before the member name to execute the macro.
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